Saturday 13th April 2024

10:00 AM – 05:00 PM (BST)

Calling All Kingdom Voice Creatives…
It’s Time to Release Your ROAR!

Are You a Christian Author or Upcoming Author, Writer, Singer, Speaker, Musician, or Artist?

Are You Looking for How to Get Your Voice Heard in the World?

The Kingdom Voice Workshop™ is an online masterclass packed with the tools and know-how to help get your message across and released into this world. With the emphasis being on your voice, God wants to release the words, pictures, and sounds He has placed within you to reach and impact nations. Whether you are writing and publishing a book, drawing prophetic art, or delivering public speeches, there are many areas which cover the use of our expression of voice, and this workshop is for those who are looking to have their voice heard in a world full of many voices. This workshop inspired by the Holy Spirit, will deliver teachings and golden nuggets to help kick-start your journey in fulfilling the call of God upon your life through releasing your message and story.

Who Is The Workshop For?

The Kingdom Voice Workshop™ is for Christian Authors or Upcoming Authors, Writers, Singers, Speakers, Musicians, Artists, and any other Creatives out there.

This workshop is for you...

  • If you have tried and struggled to learn how to use your “Kingdom Voice” effectively and in the way God has called you to.

  • If you want to build up self-confidence in using your voice.

  • If you want to learn the tools required to make that quantum leap and shift in your career, work or ministry using your voice.

And also...

  • If you are tired of being muzzled and put on mute and want to understand the power of your voice.

  • If you want to kick-start your book journey of becoming a published Writer and Author.

  • If you are finally ready to finish that project or creation you’ve always wanted to start and just need that extra encouragement and push.

Whatever your reasons for joining the workshop, it is geared towards you!

The Kingdom Voice Workshop™ is a Christ-centered, Christ-focused workshop that in whatever way God has called you to release your voice and message – your ROAR, you will learn how to do so in this powerful workshop. God laid this workshop upon my heart to create for Kingdom-minded people like you, to discover your spark, find your voice, and receive the jump-start that you need in the area of purpose God has called you to walk in and prosper.

Your Kingdom Voice Workshop™ Coach

Jennifer V M Williams

Jennifer started her Lifestyle Transformational Development Coaching with one goal in mind…To help individuals find balance and happiness in work, relationships, and life; and also walk in their God-given purpose and destiny. With many life experiences and challenges faced, coupled with her background in business, counselling and psychotherapy, and coaching and mentoring to name a few, Jennifer provides solutions, empowerment and a holding hand, walking and supporting people as a Coach, Mentor, Listening Ear, Author and Speaker. She has helped individuals, businesses, and ministries across the world to tap into their full potential; awaken their passions and desires; reclaim the power and control back of their lives; and discover the missing link both personally and professionally so they could step fully into their purpose, calling and destiny.


"There's tools that can help you to release your voice!"

Here's what's included...

  • Over Five Hours of LIVE Online Teaching (Split into four Sessions).

  • Learn How to Write a Book and Become a Published Author.

  • Learn Lessons, Tips, and Knowledge about Becoming a Confident Speaker.

  • Learn How to Use Your Voice as a Singer, Musician, Artist, and Speaker.

  • Learn Simple Steps and Strategies to Help Capture Your Ideas and Clarify Your Message.

  • Discover How to Impact People, and Gain Credibility and Influence.

  • Learn How to Take Action and Set Powerful Goals You Can Stick To.

  • Learn How to Eliminate Stress and Overcome Fear and Procrastination.

  • Learn Biblical Teachings and Principles of Using Your Kingdom Voice.

  • Get Lifetime access to the Kingdom Voice Workshop™ Online Resources including – Teaching Manual, Information Guides, Audio, Videos, and Downloadable Worksheets.

  • Receive Powerful Prayers for Kingdom Voice Creatives.

  • Take part in LIVE Q & A Sessions.

Access Free Bonuses and Special Offers.

How Will The Kingdom Voice Workshop™ Benefit You?

  • Be the best version of YOU

  • Level up your confidence and supercharge your life

  • Walk in the freedom of being who you are

  • Discover what makes you unique and different

  • Pursue the dreams and desires of your heart

  • Unleash your inner self and upgrade your life

  • Take action steps towards your goals

  • Discover your purpose and transform your life

  • Tap into your full potential

  • Awaken your spirit to release your ROAR!




Let's take a closer look...


You will experience impactful powerful teachings that will change the trajectory of your thinking towards your voice and message, giving you a much more boosted confidence and power to release it (Job 22:28).

Isaiah 55:11 (ESV)

So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.


You will receive the tools, utensils and knowledge you’ll need to activate and stir up the gifts that are within, and release them to the world impacting the lives of people while building for the Kingdom of God (Ephesians 2:10).

2 Timothy 1:6-7 (KJV)

Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.


You will write your vision and make it plain and readable so you can run with it and fulfil the great plans of God upon your life. God will not only use those plans to prosper you and give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11), but also for you to share that same hope and prosperity with others who need it to unlock their destiny and calling.

Habakkuk 2:2-3 (KJV)

And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

You will have the roadmap that you’ll need to get started in using your voice powerfully for the Kingdom of God and to be a blessing in the lives of so many people. This Kingdom Voice Workshop™ will help you to develop a much deeper hunger for your purpose and calling; Help you burst through mindset blocks so you’ll have a clear plan for your vision; And, help re-kindle the flame, passion, excitement and spark to light up your voice again and take a bold step forward in your life.

The Kingdom Voice Workshop gives you everything you need to quickly and easily start your journey in fulfilling your divine purpose using your voice.


Is this workshop just for Christians only?

No. The information provided can help you as a Creative Voice whether you are a Christian or not. However, as this workshop is called the Kingdom Voice Workshop™, the teachings in the workshop are Spirit-led and Christ-focused, and you’ll be learning how to use your voice effectively for the Kingdom of God. Christians and believers will benefit the most from this workshop as we’ll be delving into the Word of God together.

Is this workshop just for women only?

No. This workshop is open to both men and women who want to discover their voice in the area of their calling that God has purposed them to do.

Is this workshop just for Authors and Upcoming Authors?

Again No. When God gave me the idea to create this workshop, He wanted the main focus to be on our voice and the different ways we can use it for His Glory. The main people God wanted me to focus on are writers as I am an author myself, however, there are other Kingdom Creatives and Creative Voices out there that He has called to release His words, images, and sounds through, and that can be done in the following ways as Singers, Speakers, Musicians, Artists, and of course Writers. You may be someone who does not necessarily fall into the above category of Kingdom Creatives but wants to learn how to use your voice powerfully and confidently. If so, this workshop is for you too!

Will the LIVE online teaching sessions be recorded?

Yes. Whether you can join in LIVE on the day or not, or just for part of the session, you will receive a recording of the LIVE Workshop to access on the Nu Expansion Academy™ Online Learning Platform.

After I’ve booked, can I cancel if I cannot make the workshop?

Yes, of course! Cancellations received 24 hours before the start date of the workshop will be reimbursed in full. Any cancellations made within 24 hours of the workshop starting: NO REFUNDS GIVEN. 

Do I need to bring anything with me to the workshop?

Just yourself! Come with a positive attitude, an eagerness to learn, and a heart open to what God will download to you, and get ready for a learning and powerful experience you will never forget!!

It is time for you to be aligned to the frequency of God to release the sound He has placed within you.

It’s Your Time to Release Your ROAR!

If this workshop is what you’re looking for to help kick-start your journey of becoming a confident powerful voice and vessel in the area of your life’s calling, then don’t wait another moment and let this wonderful opportunity pass you by. Sign up and register today to access all the tools and knowledge you’ll need as a Kingdom Voice Creative, and let your light shine!

Just A Reminder Of What You’ll Receive From

The Kingdom Voice Workshop™

  • Over Five Hours of LIVE Online Teaching (Split into four Sessions).

  • Learn How to Write a Book and Become a Published Author.

  • Learn Lessons, Tips, and Knowledge about Becoming a Confident Speaker.

  • Learn How to Use Your Voice as a Singer, Musician, Artist, and Speaker.

  • Learn Simple Steps and Strategies to Help Capture Your Ideas and Clarify Your Message.

  • Discover How to Impact People, and Gain Credibility and Influence.

  • Learn How to Take Action and Set Powerful Goals You Can Stick To.

  • Learn How to Eliminate Stress and Overcome Fear and Procrastination.

  • Learn Biblical Teachings and Principles of Using Your Kingdom Voice.

  • Get Lifetime access to the Kingdom Voice Workshop™ Online Resources including – Teaching Manual, Information Guides, Audio, Videos, and Downloadable Worksheets.

  • Receive Powerful Prayers for Kingdom Voice Creatives.

  • Take part in LIVE Q & A Sessions.

Access Free Bonuses and Special Offers.

All For: £187.00

The Next Workshop will take place on

Saturday 13th April 2024

10:00 AM – 05:00 PM (BST)

If you would like to join the online workshop

there are limited spaces available.

Book Now For £187.00

We’ll save you a seat. See you there!

Copyright © 2024 Kingdom Voice Workshop/Jennifer V M Williams. All Rights Reserved.